| Beginning to think about building a monoslope barn in 2026 or 2027 once market stabalizes a little hopefully. I'd like to build maybe 200'x50' for 10,000 sq ft. I was wondering if anyone has ever done a facilty that had a slatted alley 12' wide with bedded packs behind and what the cost would be with that. With the 200'x50' barn I was thinking (2) 48' wide pens, (1) 36' wide pen, (1) 24' wide pen, a 20' manure bay, 12' for handling system, and on the end of the barn (2) 12'x 25' pens for intake/sick calves/handling that will be separate. I'm not sure exactly the height I should make the north side and what pitch I should have the slope go. I'm gonna try to tour some facilities in my local area as well. I'm honestly just spitballing at this point and open to all the info/suggestions I can get from people who have gone through the process before. What you like about your facility, what you don't like, and what you'd do different. Thanks | |