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Variable Universal Life Insurance the new Roth IRA
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Boone & Crockett
Posted 1/16/2025 21:16 (#11059139 - in reply to #11058968)
Subject: RE: No, run away!

harry - 1/16/2025 19:30

Under no circumstances should you include life insurance in your Roth.

If you need life insurance, buy a term policy to protect your dependents until they are old enough to stand on their own.

Invest your Roth in some combination of equities and stable assets.

Consider visiting for a deep dive into how to invest.

Wishing you all the best, and again, run away from Variable Universal Life Insurance, and from anyone trying to sell it to you.

No need to worry, the are no IRS guidlelines that life insurance be allowed inside a Roth. A keough is the only plan where it’s allowed, and that is not a Roth.
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