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Pipeline hit
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Posted 11/21/2023 01:53 (#10490282 - in reply to #10489067)
Subject: RE: Pipeline hit

Wallis, TX
Tomcat - 11/20/2023 07:00

Kelly - 11/19/2023 22:06 I really struggle with trying to tell dig safe that I am working on a terrace in a certain area and need a locate. Gas company will mark the line location but will not tell you a depth. Could be a foot or 4 foot. They will tell you not to move soil off of an area.

Around the farm if I’m away from the yard our away from the edge of road I don’t call either.  

As far as not telling you a depth I’m apprehensive to commit as well the locator we use isn’t accurate enough with depth for me to commit to a depth.  I’ll share the depth reading but give a huge disclaimer.   For us it’s typically 36-48 inches. 

Here, it’s not the 36-48” deep lines that are the problem, it’s the 8-12” deep ones that are supposed to be 48”.
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