 Pittsburg, Kansas | Good points.
Just got done watching this guy that had a 600# weight problem. Weight problem since age 6. Dr Shawn Baker is starting up a weight loss clinic so it is basically a commercial but it also this guys testimony of his journey and finally to carnivore for a solution. It seems like some people (the Petersons for example) have to go to meat only to get rid of the medical issues they have suffered from most of their life. Fortunately not everyone needs or has to do that, but for a select few it seems to work. Makes me wonder how many other people it would help with some aspect of their health.
Just saw a picture of a friend that has lost probably a hundred pounds. He has been taking Ozempic and it appears to be working for him. I just wonder about the side effects and am thinking "ya, but you could do the same thing by just cutting out the carbs or going carnivore". Last time we ate out with them I saw he ate all his mashed potatos and gravy and left half of his steak on his plate. Carb addicted for sure. But no use saying anything. Wife is a trained nurse and the medical profession knows all and has all the answers. She is type II and so big can hardly walk but also on Ozempic and has lost a bunch of weight. I hope it works for them and does them some good without terrible side effects. We will see. Surely the Ozempic side effects will be no worse than their health problems were at being so much over weight. Have another friend on Ozempic that swears by it. But he is going on dialasys because of kidney failure so that is not so good (not necessarily caused by Ozempic - he had problems before going on it. Those prior problems are just manifesting now).
Edited by John Burns 11/20/2023 09:03
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