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Cattle cubes vs protein tubs?
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Posted 11/20/2023 05:36 (#10488959 - in reply to #10488308)
Subject: RE: Cattle cubes vs protein tubs?

SE Manitoba
puff33m - 11/19/2023 15:30

Oh gosh. I probably don't have $279 in capital investment for the whole herd. No. Really. I have a whole lot of 265 gallon ibc totes to cut the sides from and make feeders. I'd imagine they will last longer than the tractor supply trough. Although not be much for show.

Although with my numbers I can buy one feeder for every ton of feed savings it appears.

Well - - - if you can get plastic 50 gal drums you could cut them in 1/2 longitudinally and bolt them together.

Didn't suggest because they cost me about $50 each so that would be some $135 (or thereabouts) in each plus the time to make and when I bought my troughs
- - - well I got them for a lot less than $279. (Sorry but they're still pretty cheap in the scale of things.)

HTH (I do hope - - - I'm into scrounging but as I get older I'm starting to value my time more - - - usually not to the point of not doing something but I hate taking a lot of time to save just a few $$$.)
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