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Sheep question?
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Posted 11/16/2023 21:13 (#10484976 - in reply to #10483217)
Subject: RE: Sheep question?

Southwest MN
Usually in an accelerated lambing system you look at 8 month cycles. 5 months gestation. 2 months lactation and 1 month recovery breed back. It is hard on ewes and that turn around is tough. They need to be in good condition or will not cycle. Also rams are just as critical for being a seasonal breeders. Suffolks for example will generally not seek and breed ewes in spring time.

For crossing a suffolk hamp texel or dorset woukd be good dorset Xs will make some darn good replacement ewe lambs as well. If you are serious about making a go of sheep you need to find some production breeders to visit. There are some great assets in MI and Ohio. Also show genetics do not generally make good production sheep such as a 320# yearling suffolk breeding ewe.

Email is good if you like.
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