Western-Central Lower Michigan | Bruce NW Ia - 4/6/2023 18:55
thanks for replies. Wife checked and somehow i managed to put my friend on the block email list. removed it, was working fine. then just this evening i get a text from same friend, his e mail this evening didn't go thru. Wife also suggested that i start using a g.mail address which i had set up but never used. just told friend for him to try that for a while. might get brave and try your other suggestions when i have some spare time. thanks again.
Gmail may have its drawbacks, but I use Thunderbird (free-email handler). I have two accounts, one for general and "personal" use, the other for use when buying online etc.
Thunderbird has been great for spam and junk mail sorting. Been using it so long, I dont know how to use the regular online gmail. |