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Viper Forklift?
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Posted 12/8/2022 15:48 (#9972301 - in reply to #9972262)
Subject: RE: Viper Forklift?

Heart of Illinois
Yes - did a little more research and found it's mostly Chinese components. The chassis come from China. The diesel motors are Doosan though. Most parts are easy to find. If you look up Goodsense forklifts you can find lots more info than Viper. Sounds like Goodsense makes a generic forklift shell and then ships it to whatever company that does final assembly. So Viper, Octane, Maximal, Cobra. I think Goodsense makes them as generic as possible so they can be outfitted with whatever the most easily accessible components are in whatever part of the world it's going to. I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about them and it looks like they are pretty easy to work on... no proprietary tech. It's probably a good forklift. In my looking though I found TaiLift. Made in Taiwan instead of China... which matters to me. It's owned by Toyota. Use Kubota Diesels. Cost a little more than Viper though.
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