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Tell Me About Weed Wipers
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Posted 3/25/2025 08:30 (#11161057)
Subject: Tell Me About Weed Wipers

Thinking about hanging a 5' wiper on the front of the 4-wheeler. Would be mostly for Canada thistles after the cows have been moved to the next paddock, and for tansy that needs to be swiftly and mercilessly slaughtered. The spotted knapweed and sulfur cinquefoil will be too short to get wiped.

Been looking at Smucker that uses a pump. I've seen gravity ones, and that looks like a lot of fiddling around.

How do you mix the herbicide? Pretty strong, right? Add a surfactant or ?

Do you have to go through twice to paint both sides of the plant?

How do you drain or rinse at the end of use?

Thank you.

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