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Great day for drive pics
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Posted 9/18/2023 17:44 (#10406529)
Subject: Great day for drive pics

Wednesday is chemo day and I can hardly wait to see what bad reaction awaits treatment 3..... But today I was able to drive myself and the pooches over to St. Croix County for an appraisal and backroad travel.

(IMG_7953 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7975 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7912 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7970 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7954 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7956 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7951 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7904 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7905 (full).JPG)

(IMG_7950 (full).JPG)

Attachments IMG_7953 (full).JPG (168KB - 428 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7975 (full).JPG (170KB - 439 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7912 (full).JPG (85KB - 405 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7970 (full).JPG (77KB - 455 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7954 (full).JPG (165KB - 421 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7956 (full).JPG (161KB - 422 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7951 (full).JPG (200KB - 441 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7904 (full).JPG (162KB - 409 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7905 (full).JPG (148KB - 420 downloads)
Attachments IMG_7950 (full).JPG (89KB - 410 downloads)
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