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New thread trouble shooting homemade pump for 2 vacuum motors esets
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Posted 3/24/2025 21:17 (#11160650)
Subject: New thread trouble shooting homemade pump for 2 vacuum motors esets

west central mo
I'm trying to trouble shoot an issue with a homemade hydraulic pump. I've narrowed it down. I think to either the pump isn't gpm it was supposed to be or the vittitoe spreader adjusters have a relief valve stuck. I've attached pictures of the set up and circled in red the relief. If I put a plug where it's circled in red... that should trouble shoot a bad relief valve? The motors are spinning like a ceiling fan on high with the tractor at 2k rpms and the vittitoes wide open.

(20250324_182403 (full).jpg)

(20250324_182408 (full).jpg)

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Attachments 20250324_182403 (full).jpg (141KB - 18 downloads)
Attachments 20250324_182408 (full).jpg (165KB - 19 downloads)
Attachments Screenshot_20250324_211156_Gallery (full).jpg (149KB - 16 downloads)
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