Morris, IL | Have one farm that want to seed few waterways sometime soon as possible, these are highly prone to erosion. Had them worked up and seeded last fall but cereal rye didn't take off till spring and had gully washer feb 28 just can't win sometimes. Right now field is planted to 110 day corn just on June first, first day that field was fit to do anything all year, also sprayed it with Volley ATZ right behind planter. It was conventional tillage this past year. Waterways are worked nicely to cross with equipment right now. Hasn't hardly rained one bit since spraying or planting, 99% of field got into moisture and should come up just fine that said i'm worried about the bottom of waterways being dry dirt. But have priced few straw rugs or whatever they are called, priced seed and will go ahead when everyone things best time would be. We have capability to harvest right at black layer and seed or will to mow them down, 9/10 years haven't gotten profitable crop off these 2 or so acres anyway. Not sure right way to go about this.
Also unsure what we have to do with FSA/NRSC. We don't care about cost sharing or help designing but wondering what to do with those acres if they need/can go into CRP or something like that? Don't have much experience with this stuff i know guys deal with this in different areas quite often. If we once get them seeded will run few tiles up the sides and farm right across all of them, would have to outline with sprayer is only thing. Thinking 20-30' wide for most part, guessing FSA will have a min. or something to setup CRP or buffer strip. Thanks in advance. | |