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Accounting firm survey to transfer datqa ?.
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Posted 2/14/2025 08:46 (#11103796)
Subject: Accounting firm survey to transfer datqa ?.

s nd
The firm that does my taxes now sends out a "survey" in which we sign a letter of engagement and they also want us to scan and send our tax related forms in. They give you an option of being reminded at a later date of these data transfers, so many of those I checked to figure system out. You had to complete 5 areas before it would let you submit. Or so I thought. Submit would not go active and takes you to questions unanswered, so I thought no data sent. Stopped at office and girl said she could see everything that I had done already. Should I be concerned about how secure this sytem is? Are my renters and family data secure with this kind of system? It is a legit firm with plenty of know how, but just wondering. Thoughts?
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