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Farming ,fixing and fabricating
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Posted 12/16/2022 09:05 (#9986287 - in reply to #9985578)
Subject: RE: Farming ,fixing and fabricating

Dekalb - 12/15/2022 19:53

I live about 70 miles from Andy. I don’t know him at all but his channel is as real as it gets. Works 365 days yr with all your typical large dairy problems. I had to laugh when they bought his wife’s car he had the dealer deliver the paperwork to his farm to sign, can’t stop for a few hours to buy a car. I wonder where the time to make the 5 kids came from. They are a good family, no fluff, no sponsors added and all that fake crap

Yeah, the sponsors really take away from the new paint channels. Andy is the real deal not wanting to be beholden to anybody.
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