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Farming ,fixing and fabricating
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paul the original
Posted 12/15/2022 15:53 (#9985151 - in reply to #9984568)
Subject: RE: Farming ,fixing and fabricating

southern MN
I kinda like Duffy Ag for the same reasons, he had more of a daily diary than anything. Warts and all. He is between farm operations now as things blew up with his family, but sounds like he is buying a small place and plans to farm again next spring.

I’m sure his style isn’t for everyone, but I enjoy it.

Mike and Brian and Millennial and Welker are fun to see too.

I like my old Gleaner combines, a year ago one fella found an old track system that went on a M I think series, that was fun for me to watch. I can’t think who it was now.

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