West of Broken Bow | It’s just with one eye and not a big issue. But would like to find a solution. Exercises? I sure appreciate everyone’s prayers. Different drs and nurses have expressed shock over this happening to an extremely physically active person. It doesn’t make sense even to those in the medical field who have studied my case. To me it looks more and more like stress from taking on too much work and other things could have been a major cause. Plus I had to work seven days a week which I know wasn’t good. Vitamins were the only thing I regularly consumed. No prescription drugs nor anything else.
Anyhow, my eyes are still healing. So thankful the double vision is no more just like the awful vertigo and general dizziness that all thankfully went away. The eye with the slightly droopy eye lid is the same that all feeling disappeared in. Gradually the ability to feel is returning in that eye and vision has improved. Two drs noted the improvement in both eyes. I’m so thankful. Sorry I don’t always respond or follow up with posts as the body is still in recovery mode. There was a complication with the eye I had lost feeling in and that required immediate medical attention. The latter was most recent and quite worrisome. Never been to so many medical facilities before. Thanks again for prayers and thoughts.
Edited by TractorAddict 10/15/2022 13:59
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