Virginia, Northern Neck | My UPS, Fedex, Amazon, and U.S. Post Office drivers all live in my county or the next county over.
Every delivery I receive puts dollars in their pockets. That is about as local as it can get.
Even better, every delivery I receive means more dollars in my pocket, and my neighbors' pockets, because it costs a lot less to have one person drive a truck to several customers than for each customer to drive to town and back.
Even so, I look forward to the weeks when we shop in person at Walmart or Food Lion.
They have products delivered from all over the U.S. and the world, and they pay local people to keep those products in top condition for sale.
All the employees at those stores live locally, we've known them for years, and we appreciate all the work they do to keep us well-supplied.
It is also nice to chat with neighbors and friends when we do go out somewhere.
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