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Crashed The Mavic
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Posted 9/4/2022 21:30 (#9829579)
Subject: Crashed The Mavic

S.E. Sask.

Really mad at myself for crashing the Mavic Air 2 into the side of the house yesterday. Might not have been so bad but it slid down the wall falling into a pail with a bit of water in it. Not sure which end but I think the camera got wet for sure. Two rear arms folded back. I got it out real quick but it seems to have suffered internal damage. Camera is a bit off level and the gimbal won't pan or recalibrate. Took it up for a test and when I tried to rotate it literally fell out of the sky. Soft landing on grass so no damage but I'm not sure whats the next step. Firmware update? Recalibrate everything? 

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