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Kinze KPM II problem?
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Posted 7/29/2022 15:51 (#9771724 - in reply to #9771489)
Subject: RE: Kinze KPM II problem?

Southern IL Randolph County
Thanks for the replies. I will go through all the steps listed in the book. I was just checking for an easy overlooked issue. I spent more time than I care to admit tying to get it going right, but yes sometimes it’s better to just start over with time and patience. Had a KPM II years ago on a 12/23 and never had a bit of trouble with it. On this particular planter, this monitor will do what we need. Have an AG Leader 1200 coming that we can use on the 16/31 and could possibly move the KPM 3 over to the 8/15. Thanks again for the suggestions.
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