ECMN | Newgen John Deere - 7/17/2022 18:14
Plowing and power harrowing some steep Rocky hard ground .
Ah, operating incognito are we? Sorry, fender drink holder dead give away. Come to see how a real forum operates, but you have to learn to like a “Modern view” of sorts. By the way the injection pump only feeds the injectors whatever the governor tells it to for it to maintain a certain rpm. So turning down the fuel screw will not change the fuel delivery to the injectors under a light load. Slobbering would have more to do with an improper injector spray pattern. If that is a problem operating it under heavy loads like that is probably not the best for it green paint or not. Glad to hear you are doing well. I asked about you last week over on that place you used to hang out and got a couple replies that you were alive and well but needed to move on. Mark,
FYI he is somewhere in the “big sky”. (You can even used punctuation like quotations marks on your iPhone here and they show up)
used red.. |