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Got my Mavic2 now I need accessories...
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Posted 6/15/2022 06:32 (#9706007)
Subject: Got my Mavic2 now I need accessories...

South cental Ohio
Bit the bullet and took you guys advice and bought a Mavic 2. Played with it a little and found out that the cord it came with to hook up to my Apple X phone won't plug in with my Otter protective cover on the phone. What cord do I need to get that has a straight end on it to plug into the phone instead of the one that I have with a 90 degree end ? Do I have to use my phone all the time to fly or can you use a tablet instead (which would be easier to see) ? If so, does the tablet have to have internet or does it work in conjunction with my phone? Sorry, I'm not a computer geek and all this stuff is foreign to me.
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