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john deere 6410 good chore tractor?
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Posted 4/24/2022 19:31 (#9630105 - in reply to #9629580)
Subject: RE: john deere 6410 good chore tractor?

south central WI
lawfarms - 4/24/2022 13:22

Dad thought that in 99 and ordered a new 7210.

Biggest POS we ever had.

Finally sold it a couple years ago with a huge amount of blow by with under 4k hrs.

I have a 6410and a 7210. Nobody likes the 6410,it's so small and rough riding. 7210 made it to around 24,500 hours before we overhauled the engine. It spent the last half of its life on a 720 cu ft reel mixer. I had to rebuild the shifter linkages under the cab this winter. It's really too small for almost everything except running a fert spreader now,but it's one of my favorites.

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Attachments 20220123_133551 (full).jpg (101KB - 44 downloads)
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