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2005 Cat 15K acert.
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JD 9400
Posted 7/1/2021 19:01 (#9088391 - in reply to #9088220)
Subject: RE: 2005 Cat 15K acert.

Southern Pa.
jcfarmboy - 7/1/2021 18:08

Why would a "mechanic" turn up an engine with a complaint of no power without quick look at codes???

What engine prefix? I'm betting an MBN...
I have same engine and error codes are typically boost pressure related. You can get that part shut off and she will run like a scared kitty. Mine is in shop for full rebuild due to dropped liner and 1.1 million miles on her.
2005 doesn't have egr or an other junk.... it has the boost line to the fuel filter base and runs little higher compression different cam but thats it.
Very little difference between it and 6NZ

I would find a new mechanic. One that knows bridge motors and how to adjust them properly.

An MBN prefix was the single turbo '04 "bridge" engine. Not an Acert. An '05 Acert was a dual turbo, MXS prefix engine. VVA's made a lot of issues.

Need to read the codes, and go from there.
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