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Bad news
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Posted 7/29/2009 08:51 (#792459 - in reply to #792246)
Subject: RE: Bad news

Lots of good information already posted. I noticed that you are in Alberta and I just returned about 2 weeks ago from seeing a good college friend in Alberta that has a type of brain cancer. His deal was a little different in that he has been dealing with it for 6-7 years indirectly and doctors were misdiagnosing it or flat out ignoring him due to the health care system there (his words not mine). In November he and his wife had their first son and in January while driving his family to the doctor, he blacked out and luckily drove off in a snow bank. In the ER, Doctors found the tumor, scheduled tests and later operated and tried to removed it. They are pretty sure that they got it but he still needs some kind of followup treatment. He is in his mid 30's.

I am basically 32 hours driving time from him at best and all I could do was call and be supportive over the phone. We sent a few packages and such but going to see him this summer was well worth it. He is now looking for the best treatment out there, bar none. He is looking in both Canada and the US. He realizes it will cost him but as he says he "would do the same for wife or son".

I will also add that during college, we discussed religion a few times but he admitted that it really wasn't his thing and at the time I wasn't very vocal or well versed at it either (I still am not but do try to speak up a little more and help people with what I am comfortable with). After this ordeal he did tell me that he knows there is a higher power out there than what he ever thought before. In his ordeal, including the accident, no one was hurt, 30 minutes later and he would have been in a major metro area in traffic, one day earlier or later and he would have been in a grain truck and would have probably killed someone in the accident. The one thing I am confident of is that the Lord works in unique ways that we can't begin to comprehend. I can't expand beyond that, other posts have done a better job of it.

If you are interested, I have been forwarded some information from coworkers (mainly just links to cancer treatment websites) to him. If you want, I can forward those to you as well.

Best of luck with everything. We will keep you in our prayers.

Edited by jcs 7/29/2009 08:58
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