northeastern Ohio | The database of this site must be huge! I have found that I have to limit the search to less than a year in order to prevent the time-out error. So I search 1-1-18 to 12-31-18, then 1-1-17 to 12-31-17, then 2016, 2015, ect.
If you know the author of the post you are looking for, the search is very quick because it eliminates 99.9% of the posts.
Or you can use Google to do the search. In the Google search box type site:talk.newagtalk.com and then what you are searching for. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=HUU3XKjkJY_W8APrpaOwBg&q=...
Edited by Jay NE Ohio 1/10/2019 07:15
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