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Lost My Temper and Cut My Hair Off
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Funacres Daughter
Posted 11/17/2017 16:14 (#6371428 - in reply to #6365361)
Subject: RE: Lost My Temper and Cut My Hair Off

Finally, here are the pictures of my hair after the hairdresser fixed my bad cutting job. Getting them posted later than I had anticipated as I ended up turning what should have been a two day trip into one. Dad asked me to meet him near Kansas City for business yesterday. In order to coordinate arrival time I drove out the driveway at 5:20 am yesterday. I started heading home about two hours after dark with plans to stop at a hotel when I got tired. Twenty-three hours and 1115 miles later, I drove back in the driveway. At around 4:20 this morning sleep was a higher priority than posting pictures.

First picture: After trimming off my bad cut job, this is how the hairdresser styled my hair using a round brush and hair dryer.

Second picture: This is one of the pictures Dad took yesterday. I styled my hair with a curling iron.

Third picture: This is how I styled my hair today with a flat iron, and the wind added its own element.




Attachments IMG_1702.JPG (179KB - 524 downloads)
Attachments IMG_1796.jpg (168KB - 519 downloads)
Attachments IMG_1879.jpg (232KB - 520 downloads)
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