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Lost My Temper and Cut My Hair Off
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School Of Hard Knock
Posted 11/15/2017 09:00 (#6366254 - in reply to #6365361)
Subject: RE: Lost My Temper and Cut My Hair Off

just a tish NE of central ND
Id say do what suits you best!You are still the same person no matter what.Thats the part that matters.
My wife grew her hair longer when we were young. I really liked it that way,but now living on a farm and haveing livestock and grains and kids and a job off farm,she wanted it shortened even though I thought she should leave it longer and it was SOOOOooo THICK....... but then she made me a deal......I could wash and dry it and work with it several times a day and she would keep it long for long as I took care of it it would remain long......... The next day it was GONE!! And it looked really nice!
LOL!! (Its only hair)
Now what can you do about that "loosing your temper" you mentioned in the original post?LOL!

Edited by School Of Hard Knock 11/15/2017 13:21
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