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Lost My Temper and Cut My Hair Off
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Posted 11/15/2017 06:17 (#6365896 - in reply to #6365361)
Subject: RE: Lost My Temper and Cut My Hair Off

South Western Ontario, Canada
Blah......logical is for the birds!!!
The boys better watch out for your temper if it goes off on the easy things like hair length.

It's JUST hair, it grows back (for most of us). I get frustrated with my hair and it's way, WAY shorter than yours. Anything over inch and half and I've taken scissors to my "mop".

Your hair cut will be fantastic.....don't worry about it! I'm with the others though......curious to see how your cut turned out and then after paying the "professional".

Sure are some beautiful locks of hair you got there...

Edited by jcfarmboy 11/15/2017 06:49
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