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Posted 11/6/2017 21:01 (#6350026 - in reply to #17938)
Subject: RE: Woodchucks

I agree with the 300 gallons of water. I washed mine out of a tractor shed two years ago, leveled the ground and then sprinkled habanero powder all over the ground. No more woodchucks. In a barn several years ago, I had a LARGE family in there. I would set 3 conibears over their holes and would catch 3 almost every night. I ended up catching 13 total. After that I used a mini excavator to dig a trench around the outside of the barn and put heavy wire down 18 inches with an 8" outward bend. They would did down to the outward bend and leave. I think every woodchuck for a 100 mile radius visited my barn. So far there have not been any visitors over the last 8 to 10 years. On the powder, they do not like it on their feet. I guess it burns and also gets in their nose. This stuff is like Mace.
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