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Your grandma's best homemade ice cream recipe!
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Posted 8/11/2017 12:20 (#6180739 - in reply to #6176671)
Subject: RE: Your grandma's best homemade ice cream recipe!

Southeast Colorado
Lots of different choices depending on your taste. We make (and eat) a lot of home made ice cream and I like it without cream. Seems like for whatever reason most folks want cream in it. To me they are just trying to make it feel and taste like store bought. If I wanted that I'd just go to the store. I really like the texture and taste with leaving the cream out. My wife gradually modified her Grandma's recipe to my taste. After 25 years she's got it down! But she's like Bush's beans............she's got a secret and not telling! I will tell you that all she uses is Milk, Sugar, Eggs, and Vanilla.
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