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Your grandma's best homemade ice cream recipe!
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Posted 8/9/2017 19:46 (#6177037 - in reply to #6176671)
Subject: RE: Your grandma's best homemade ice cream recipe!

Near Richmond, IN

I've made homemade ice cream for at least 40 yrs using my mom and dad's recipe.  For a 1.5 gal ice cream maker, I use this:

6 jumbo eggs,   3 cups sugar, 3 packages of Junket ice cream mix, and 3 pints of half and half.   Beat all that together and add 3 tablespoons real vanilla (we use Mexican vanilla as it's better but I'm just about out of it)  Then pour that into the freezer container and add whole milk to fill it and freeze in the mixer.  I know it's not totally home made as I use the Junket mix, but I've never had anyone tell me they've had better!


Attachments icecream.jpg (53KB - 109 downloads)
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