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versatile tractor people
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   Forums List -> Where Can I find?????Message format
Posted 7/25/2017 20:23 (#6148622)
Subject: versatile tractor people

goodhue county,mn
my dad bought a 160 bi directional in about 1981 has no drop boxes going from pumpkin to axles.....was told at time there were only 4 or 6 made ,they were called orchard models......I can only guess they didn't roll on the steep orchard hills, I don't know.....we needed one that low to get into one of our cattle sheds , dealer found this in ohio , if memory serves correct.....

about 5 years ago went to get a part , gave them serial number, they said tractor has never been built,,,so i'm guessing it was a prototype and was probly supposed to be scrapped question is ..any one out there that can give me some answers , or a connection to get some history...any help would be great
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