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Seeding waterways
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Posted 6/7/2017 23:18 (#6059878 - in reply to #6059626)
Subject: RE: Seeding waterways

East Central Ia
I will never use silt fence again... that stuff does next to nothing imo. It just washes to the fence and then stops and repeats at every fence making waterfalls all over the place. Then you can't fix them with the fence there!! That and you will be dragging pieces of fence all over your farm for YEARS if you ever run a field cultivator near them.

I use the rolls of straw matting if I use anything.

But I usually seed a mixture of Oats and waterway grass mix together in the spring or early fall. The oats start out fast and hold while the grass gets started.

The trick is to mow them once the oats get about ready to head out. This gives you a nice mat of protection but the grass is already started.

Mowing seems to be the key to success for me.

A drill works but I prefer to broadcast and cultipack them in. I also don't like to fix them with a disc, I like to use my scraper and box blade. This leaves the ground more firm and much less likely to wash before it gets going.

Edited by bleedred 6/7/2017 23:21
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