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Battery lug terminal crimper
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dave morgan
Posted 8/19/2016 00:53 (#5477539 - in reply to #5477386)
Subject: RE: Battery lug terminal crimper

Somerville, Indiana
I am still using the hammer strike deals here, Ryan inherited a professional type crimper in an assortment at auction that you may be referring to...He has used it some, I am staying with my hammer style...Has worked flawlessly for me many years-carry a second one in my truck now...The pro style does have the attractive benefit of being able to crimp a fitting in a hard to access place without taking the other end apart.

Cat has a good disconnect that will handle what you want to put through it for a fair price...Has added benefit of their famous forked key...I use them because I can easily get another of same size and mounting system if needed...Cat store always has them...I have always installed the disconnect at the ground source.
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