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The down side of drones
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Posted 12/25/2015 12:14 (#4986108 - in reply to #4976623)
Subject: RE: The down side of drones

SE Nebraska, Near Misery and Cans Ass!
Ron..NE ILL..10/48 - 12/22/2015 12:50

From what I know & read, that little red laser pointer that you didn't mention is probably highest on FAA's list of "stop 'em", along with all the other little things they do to keep airplanes from falling out of the air. Teachers & speakers started using that little red flashlight pen about 35 yrs ago. Never thought when I saw it then it would be blinding airline pilots. I don't think they have that problem solved yet. Far as I know, you can still buy lasers @ Walgreens, etc. Seems like lots of ground-bound dipsticks own lasers. Should be licensed, I think.

The lasers they are using are a lot stronger than the pen types you mention. The ones our armed forces use will blind you at 100 miles if they could figure out a way to hold them on a moving target no plane would be safe.
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