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Would you consider GoPro's new drone?
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 12/19/2015 06:32 (#4971076 - in reply to #4963263)
Subject: RE: Would you consider GoPro's new drone?

Chebanse, IL.....

Unless I'm missing something, since DJI went w/their "own" camera vs GP, they no longer have the ability to simultaneously take video & still photos like the GP did on the Phantom 2. I use that feature always. I set my camera for 1 still every 5 or sometimes 10 seconds. I realize some of the drone models now you can choose either video or still while in the air, but it only takes 1 still photo & not simultaneous with video.

Hopefully the new GoPro drone/camera combo will allow simultaneous video/still ops again.

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