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Phantom 3 NDVI Camera from Sentera
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Posted 12/17/2015 11:03 (#4966586 - in reply to #4966560)
Subject: RE: Phantom 3 NDVI Camera from Sentera

Olivia, MN
dronedude - 12/17/2015 10:51

All I can say is that Sentera used to be Farm Intelligence. Do some research on Farm Intelligence, and you will find some pissed off people. Don't know any more than that, hopefully they have changed their ways

Farm Intelligence is now Aglytics- still in Mankato. Yes still many people pissed off it didn't all come together. I'd be one of them.

Sentera is a new company that has nothing to do with the failure of Farm Intelligence. The engineers from UTC aerospace/FouthWing designed the sensor to spec from what Farm Intelligence crew wanted.
Was it perfect no, but built as ordered.
Rolling shutter on a fixed wing with many variables is a complex thing that many are still trying to line up.

I can only wish the Sentera guys the best of luck as they are trying to get us the correct combination of equiptment to get better at what we do with their new business. I believe they have the right people to be successful.
They are not a spin off Farm Intelligence company.
They work with other industries as well.
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