Sunnyside, WA | I prefer silage to be in the 68-70% range, usually around 1/2 to 2/3 milk line. Once we start, I don't like to stop, so I start on the dry side and will not usually stop unless it is over 72%. Average pit moisture for the last few years has been 68-70. That is down from the 71% it used to be and it sure seems to make nicer silage at the lower moisture. The pit doesn't run or very little below 70% and therefore the shrink is not there. I don't have any idea how much or what nutrients you lose from a pit running, but it has to amount to something.
All of our corn is planted in stages by planting date and variety selection to get the corn to mature over a 3 week period. Doesn't always work that way, but is fun to try to beat mother nature! This year has been a struggle waiting since we are behind schedule. Usually start Sept 17-20, but we are not starting until tomorrow, so I share in the nervous feeling you are going through | |