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waterway blanket
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Ranger Ted
Posted 4/6/2014 10:59 (#3800235 - in reply to #3796790)
Subject: RE: waterway blanket

Montpelier Indiana
I don't know where you are at in Indiana, contact you local Soil & Water Conservation Office (SWCD), they are at the same location as the FSA/NRCS office. Or talk to a local contractor that builds a lot of waterways, they buy blankets in large lots and they buy cheap because of that. The type of pins that Von showed are the best, there is a tool with a magnet and a wood handle to install them. The blankets Von showed with the wood fiber is more expensive than straw blankets, but will handle more volumes of water. Blankets with seed in them cost lots more and some of the seed falls out of the blanket before you can get it on the soil. I wood suggest drilling or broadcasting the seed. Best use a MIN. of 40 lbs per acre Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue (stay away from non entophyte (SP?) types of fescue, they are lazy starters) and some Perennial Ryegrass for quick green growth, 70 % - 30 % works good. Some seed companies have this mix in stock. 400 to 500 lbs per acre 12-12-12 if the area has be excavated.

I work with several SWCD's in my area and we have put down miles and miles of blankets on grassed waterways.

Here is one supplier in Indiana.
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