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Soybean Yield Formula
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Posted 8/13/2006 11:47 (#35260 - in reply to #34923)
Subject: Re: Soybean Yield Formula

Dodge Co, Wi
Just did a check on my uncle's field it greatly illustrates the inaccuracies of yield estimations in soys. Looked at 5 random plants in 3 locations, got an average of 70 pods per plant with at least 2 beans in each, 2700/# was the size on the seed tag, we checked stand in spring and now sitting around 150,000/ac. So...that should put us at about 160 bu/ac ;) I wish, had one plant with 95 pods, using same formula and a field full of them should have 200+bu/ac right? ;) . I'd have to peg them more around the 50-60 range as long as we don't have drought between now and September.
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