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Soybean Yield Formula
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Tim Cooke
Posted 8/12/2006 16:10 (#35062 - in reply to #35047)
Subject: Lot on my mind lately.

Just handed the keys to the oldest. First trip after getting his lisc. ......... I don't know if it is "Look out World" or "look out son".

Nobody said this "grown-up" thing was going to be this hard. (:

Been keeping to myself lately. Feeling old and out of touch. Looking back a lot these last months. Need something to pick me up. Maybe harvest will start soon. Corn is 37%.

Will get a few pics to you on the great, good, fair, and plain ugly soon.

Now, to get back to Crop Talk. A bean on the ground can't be sold. So I tend to run the screens more open than most. Anything under 1 percent and I am giving away dollars. I try to stay around 1.1 to 1.2. Some years are worst than others. I read most of the RU corn in RU beans as improper combine operation. The only corn in my beans is from running the bin over. Which I do quite often in good corn, and bad corn. (:

(line deleted)

I'm going to go now. Kelly is grinding the hardwood floors into sawdust..........................mothers you know.

Tim (I worked a ag topic in) Cooke

Edited by Tim Cooke 8/12/2006 16:48
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