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Your fav. Deere tractor series?
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Posted 8/10/2006 16:26 (#34426)
Subject: Your fav. Deere tractor series?

Hey everyone..I thought this would be a fun post..what's everyone's favorite Deere tractor series of all-time? Mine would have to be either the 50 or 55 series..everything about these tractors were about reliable. I know of many running 10,000 hours or more with no work done. I myself have a 4055,which has got to be the best tractor I have ever owned (and i've owned alot). To me,they (excluding the 60-series..beings they were only large-frame) were the last truly great tractor series. Not knocking the newer models,I bleed green and always will..but they are just too high-tech for mide-sized farmer like me. Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated. This should be a fun post. Thanks.
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