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No till set up?
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Posted 8/10/2006 10:16 (#34343 - in reply to #34284)
Subject: RE: No till set up?

Driftless SW Wisconsin
Two Rawson type coulters 2" either side of the row and staggered fore and aft about 5" with no coulter in the center is a good setup for your type conditions. On a 7000 however you will most likely need a fair amount of frame weight to keep those coulters in the ground in sod you describe. Be prepared to add weight to your frame or keep fert tanks etc full.

I would suggest our screw adjust row cleaners faceplate mounted rather than a floating unit to maintain a consistent Trashwheel to vee opener depth and consisitent seed depth. Again row unit down pressure must be sufficient to keep the gage wheels on the ground.

Jim at Dawn
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