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4230 JD starter just spins?
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Posted 8/10/2006 10:01 (#34338 - in reply to #33868)
Subject: Re: 4230 JD starter just spins?

Fruita CO
I've only seen this once, in my life, but take the starter off & pry on the ring gear. I saw a 4020 once w/the ring gear loose on the would spin around like it was made that way. I discovered this after the 2nd starter drive failed to fix the problem. The guy needed the tractor, didn't have time to split it, so we pull-started it, brought it to the shop, & tack-welded it in 6 places around the far as I know, it's still working that way...
Wait a minute, I reread the post-are you saying the motor spins but won't engage, but you can short it at the starter & it works? Doesn't compute...
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