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How to keep tires new?
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Posted 8/10/2006 09:58 (#34337 - in reply to #34189)
Subject: You have got to be kidding , Right?

Who buys tires and lets them lay to cure unless they see them wearing out /cracking up badly first? When you blow a tire, do you let the machine set till 90 days are past and the tire is for certain cured?For the most part no one uses up a farm tire in 90 days any way. So by the time they really start to show wear the tires have been on the machine for much more than 90 days anyway.If you figure what a tire costs , how can you let them sit and age unless you already know you are going to need them?Even then, I find the small invintory of tires I keep around to be very unpredictable when I am going to need them. I usually just keep a spare for loader tractor fronts, trucks and a trailer spare or two all mounted on rims and ready to go.They dont have to be new tires either, but they have to be good. This gives me time to replace the bad ones.
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