 Macon, IL | I am in a similar situation as you-variable ground-some flat some rolling, some stones, all no-till, some corn on corn etc.
Here is what I did:
Basically just put row cleaners on front, spiked closing wheels in back, keaton firmer, and drag chain. No coulter needed. I am very happy with my corn stands this year. Floating row cleaners went right over rocks fine and had no damage. I am happy with my Yetter floating cleaners, but if I were doing it again may take a harder look at Martin as the Martin closing wheels seem a lot heavier built than the yetter stuff. It also looks like Dawn makes a nice product.
Beans turned out good but I got lucky on some. We had a wet spring so I was planting beans really shallow. I started planting in some more mellow ground and it was doing fine, I moved to another field and planted about 30 acres without really checking anything. The next morning when I went out the seed trenches had opened up and you could see all the beans! All I needed to do was go down about anohter notch on the gauge wheels. LUCKILY for me we got a nice hard rain the next day and it closed everything up fine. Next year I am going to change from spiked closing wheels to regular John Deere rubber ones for beans as I don't really like the spiked wheels when planting shallow.
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