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Bullet Rotor
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Just a Guest
Posted 8/9/2006 22:14 (#34181)
Subject: Bullet Rotor

Harvesting corn down south with 9660 STS Bullet Rotor. I am running concave on 30 and rotor 330 rpm. Round Bar concave. 100 to 200 bpa corn, mc 17% to 23%.

The problem is I am getting small pieces of cob in the sample, and, AND rotor loss out the back. Have tightened up loosened up sped up slowed down, opened up closed up everthing I know to do. I cant say that I am totally suprised because previously owned STS machines also put the cob in the tank, but I never saw this type of rotor loss. Perhaps it is the variability of the corn. Any ideas? Thanks

P.S. Please dont tell me I need a differnt color, tried em all, liked em all, this is the horse i'm ridin today. BTW I have been harvesting crops since 1989. Anyone else feel like they unlearn something everyday?
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