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How far have you drove
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Posted 8/9/2006 09:15 (#34037 - in reply to #33895)
Subject: RE: How far have you drove


Oh, they'd have to leapfrog the tractors so they could keep their pickup (with the 55 gal drums of fuel) going, then time spent doubling back to towns along the way to get fuel, etc, etc. Check out the maps of the roads from Cedarville/Eagleville, CA down to Gerlach -- no fuel stations, (actually, nothing! along that route), then from Gerlach across the Black Rock down to Fernley (again, nothing but jackrabbits and the occasional snake) and you get a taste of what it is like to drive ag equipment without a fuel tender by your side. From Fernley to Fallon is the cakewalk, (except for all the California transplants doing stupid things on a two-lane road), then from Fallon to here is a large stretch of nothing much, but if you're willing to pay, there are fuel stations frequently enough spaced (Middlegate, Cold Springs, Austin) that it goes much easier. The patch from Cedarville down to Fernley is the killer. There ain't nothing out there.

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