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How far have you drove
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Posted 8/9/2006 02:39 (#33990 - in reply to #33801)
Subject: RE: How far have you drove

In 1970 drove a 1966 model 1950 Oliver 100 miles to Springfield,MO to a tractor pull and won the 15,000 lb class.

In 1995 drove a 715 IH RWA combine 45 miles home.

In 1997 drove a 715 IH combine 55 miles home.

In 2004 drove a G-1000 Vista MM Wheatland 306 miles home frrom Minneapolis,KS.Got 5.2 mpg at 22 mph.

In 2006 drove a 6030 JD 270 miles home from Lindsborg,KS.Got over 5.5 mpg at 20 mph.

Never had a major problem and would sure do it again.I take lesser traveled roads with an escort.
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