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slightly off topic - residential AC
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Rasor Farms
Posted 8/8/2006 22:26 (#33930 - in reply to #33845)
Subject: It depends where the leaks at....

southeastern ohio
I use a fluorescent(sp) dye and make a second trip back with the black light, to find leaks and it works very well. Most of the time , the leaks are at where the copper tubing go thru the galv steel a frame. The steel will start the rust and the rust pushes pin holes in the copper. If you try to weld it, you just dig your self a deeper hole. When I have that kind of leak, I do replace the entire a-coil. But if the leak is out on the utubes or some away from the frame it can be weld.
Mike, If I had known, I am a nordyne dealer, I use it as a builders grade, and I sell American Standard (trane) as a premium line. I have a very good distributor, I might have been able to get you a coil. Everything change this year, with the change to 13SEER units. All a-coils are non-bleed type thermal expansion valve units, plus bigger in size( hard to fit in old coil boxes. But Carrier is a good brand also, if you got a 5 ton 13 seer for 3500.00 then you got a pretty go deal. Service after the sell is pricless.
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